Changes made to designs for new Wetherspoon pub in Kenilworth as building work yet to begin

By James Smith

13th Sep 2023 | Local News

Wetherspoon first revealed plans to open a pub in Kenilworth in July 2022 (image via planning application)
Wetherspoon first revealed plans to open a pub in Kenilworth in July 2022 (image via planning application)

Work starting on building a new Wetherspoon pub in the centre of Kenilworth is set to be delayed further as the chain makes more changes to its design for the new premises.

The chain first revealed plans to turn the former Poundland unit at the Square into a new pub in July 2022, but is yet to actually start work on site.

Planning permission for the new boozer was eventually granted in March following an initial redesign of the venue.

And while an alcohol licence has already been granted, Wetherspoon has not submitted a fresh application to Warwick District Council (WDC) to amend the previous agreement.

The chain wants to yet again alter the internal designs of the new pub, and must receive permission from the council before work can progress.

The most recent application, which was submitted on September 4 says the kitchen, bar and glasswash on the ground floor need to be moved, while the upstairs toilets, seating and staff areas are also hoped to be reconfigured.

A notice in the window of the empty unit at The Square (image by James Smith)

"The application seeks to amend the plans attached to the premises licence," the application said.

"The variation is to have effect upon completion of the works.

"There are no other changes to the premises licence."

If approved, the amended licence would still allow Wetherspoon to serve alcohol from 8am to 11pm Sunday to Thursday and from 8am to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

Late openings would also be allowed on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and Sundays before a bank holiday.

During the meeting when the initial alcohol licence was granted, Wetherspoon Legal director Mr Conner said the chain hopes to welcome a "broad customer base".

"We place great store in building links with our neighbours, they are our customers after all - or our potential customers," he said. 

"We cannot alienate them, and we have a responsibility to live responsibly with our neighbours and not to impinge upon their right to quiet and peaceful living. 

"We do have provision for residents' meetings. 

"Generally, we would invite residents within four to six weeks of opening to come and meet the manager. We would also invite them before the premises opens to have a look around."

Wetherspoon will open its pub in the former Poundland store at The Square (image by James Smith)

Environmental Health had originally objected to the application but withdrew its comments after agreeing nine different conditions to the licence with Wetherspoon.

Conditions included limiting use of the beer garden between 8am to 9pm and preventing smokers from taking drinks with them when they briefly exit the premises.

Wetherspoon also agreed to have security on the doors from 9pm and to impose a 'Challenge 25' policy.

Locals have until October 2 to have their say on the amended application.

See the full application here.


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