‘My Head in the Clouds’ - from a Dream to Flying My Own Aeroplane - a u3a Event
Kenilworth Methodist Church, Kenilworth CV8 1LQ
18th Sep 2025 - 18th Sep 2025
Thursday 18th September

Kenilworth u3a member Clive Sutton tells the story of how as a boy he dreamed of piloting his own aircraft. Following a long career in aviation and automotive engineering, including seven years in the RAF, he eventually did so.
How did he fulfil his dream? What did it cost and what expertise was needed? These are just some of the questions Clive will answer as well as telling us about the people he met and the adventures he had and still has in flying the aeroplane he built himself - with a little help along the way!
Thursday 18th September - 2.30 pm
Join us for a tea/coffee and a chat from 1.45 pm
Kenilworth Methodist Church, Kenilworth CV8 1LQ
Members free - Visitors £1
u3a Kenilworth is part of a UK-wide network of 1000+ charities that provide the opportunity for those no longer in work to come together and enjoy developing a wide range of interests in a social context.
Open meetings usually comprise an approximately 45-minute presentation by an accomplished speaker.
Visitors are always welcome.