'Welcome to Kenilworth' road sign stolen

By James Smith

16th Jun 2024 | Local News

The sign has gone missing from Rouncil Lane (image by James Smith)
The sign has gone missing from Rouncil Lane (image by James Smith)

The town council is asking locals to help locate a missing 'Welcome to Kenilworth' sign.

Kenilworth Town Council said the sign has been taken from Rouncil Lane and the incident has been reported to the police.

"Can you help locate our missing sign?" the council said.

"Sadly one of our new 'Welcome to Kenilworth' signs has gone missing along Rouncil Lane. If anyone knows of its whereabouts we would really like it back.

"The incident has been reported and we would very much prefer not to have to purchase a new sign!

"Please contact us if you have any information."

The town council installed six new signs across the town in 2022. The signs were updated to include Sicilian town Roccalumera on them, after the Kenilworth officially twinned with the town.

Last year a driver knocked down the planter in front of the sign on Leamington Road.

The six signs originally cost the council around £7,000 in total.

Damage to the Leamington Road sign in 2023 (image by Clive Peacock)


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