Eco-retreat looks set to get green light despite council's objection

By James Smith

16th Jun 2024 | Local News

The campsite is proposed for land along Rising Lane (image via Google Maps)
The campsite is proposed for land along Rising Lane (image via Google Maps)

Plans to create an eco campsite at a local farm look set to be given the go-ahead by councillors, despite objections from the parish council.

A planning application to create 15 pitches at Grand Union Farm, Lapworth, is set to be discussed by councillors next Tuesday (June 18).

If approved, the scheme will see the farmer's field turned into a "small-scale eco-retreat" camping site with 15 pitches and a "mobile welfare unit" to provide toilet and shower facilities.

Plans submitted to Warwick District Council show the site along Rising Lane is next to a wooded area with an artificially installed pond.

"The site and habitat in question including the pond was artificially created over the past 10-15 years," the application said.

"The applicant has planted the trees and bushes with the view of creating many secluded, cosy and natural camping pitches.

"This resulted in a valuable improvement in biodiversity. It was always intended to be a recreational ground with a private fish pond and leisure land around it."

It added: "The proposal seeks the development of a small-scale eco-retreat camping site with 15 pitches and the provision of a mobile welfare unit to provide toilet and shower facilities.

"The camping pitches are proposed to be spread around the site to ensure sufficient amenity space for each pitch. No permanent buildings are proposed, and no removal of trees or habitat is proposed."

Pitches are said to be screened from the main road and have been assessed by an ecologist to "ensure the biodiversity of the site remains unspoilt".

Each pitch would have a small raised and portable fire pit/BBQ for outside cooking.

Lapworth Parish Council has said the plans should not be allowed to go ahead, saying they are inappropriate use of the green belt and "will have a negative impact on the rural area".

But a council report has recommended the application be approved.

"Officers are satisfied there would be no harm to neighbouring amenity nor would there be any harmful impacts on future users of the site as a result of noise," it said.

"There would be no detriment to highway safety; the access is considered safe and suitable in the proposed location and the appropriate amount of parking is proposed. For the above reasons, it is recommended that planning permission be approved, subject to the conditions listed below."

See the full application here.


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