‘Speculative and lacking detail’ – firm behind countryside mast proposal on edge of Kenilworth blasted

By Sam Greenway - Local Democracy Reporter

15th Jun 2024 | Local News

Solihull Council planning committee members flatly rejected the application (image via planning application)
Solihull Council planning committee members flatly rejected the application (image via planning application)

Solihull planners blasted a telecoms infrastructure firm for its "speculative" application to build a new phone mast. 

Icon Tower Infrastructure (ICI) has been refused permission to install a 25m lattice mast on land in Kenilworth Road, Balsall Common.

Solihull Council planning committee members flatly rejected the application when it went before their latest meeting. 

As the Local Democracy Reporting Service previously reported planning officers had recommended it be refused saying they had not been satisfied by ICI there was a need for the mast.

Officers also highlighted no mobile phone operator had been signed up to take it on once erected.

During the meeting, public speakers raised similar concerns including Michelle Payne who pointed out: "No satisfactory evidence has been submitted to justify the scheme.

"Insufficient information has been provided via cell search areas and coverage plots, to justify the location. "

But Mr Gates, the planning agent for Icon Tower, said existing pylons on the site are not able to cope with 5g technology which was why the mast is needed.

The agent added: "It would not make financial sense for Icon Tower to build a mast with no operators – their business model is to collect rent from the operator, so they wouldn't build the mast with no one lined up.

"This (site) has been targeted given the large number of (mobile phone) users in Balsall Common."

During the debate Councillor Dave Pinwell said: "I was struck by the first line of the summary which reads the proposal is fully compliant with the national policy, the code of best practice on mobile phone development. 

"That was interesting because the code of practice is actually called the code of practice for wireless network development. 

"I think that detail summaries the attention to detail demonstrated."

Coun Pinwell asked officers if the applicant had fulfilled a commitment to enter dialogue with the local planning authority, officers replying the applicant hadn't prior to plans being submitted. 

Coun Pinwell added: "These 12 pages (of justification) are very colourful but contain little substance."

Councillor Bob Grinsell, chairman of the planning committee, quickly moved to the vote – councillors unanimously rejecting the application.

The meeting took place at the Civic Suite on Wednesday, (June 12).

Icon Tower was approached for comment but did not respond before our deadline.


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