Councillors to discuss plans for 144 new homes in Kenilworth again after 'major issues' with traffic criticised

By James Smith

15th Jun 2024 | Local News

Homes are already up for sale at Kenilworth Gate (image via Charles Church)
Homes are already up for sale at Kenilworth Gate (image via Charles Church)

Councillors are set to discuss plans for 144 new homes in Kenilworth for a second time next week, having raised concerns over traffic last month.

Warwick District Council's (WDC) planning committee deferred making a decision on Persimmon Homes' latest application for new houses at Thickthorn in May, despite officers saying the scheme should be given the green light.

Outline approval has already been given to turn the site into new homes, with work on the first phase of the development underway.

But councillors wanted reassurances the next stage of the new estate would not have a major impact on local roads.

The latest application originally included full details for the new spine road, which would have connected the extra 144 homes to those already under construction, and created a new junction on Leamington Road.

However, most of the designs for the spine road were removed - which led to a number of concerns from district councillors.

The first homes under construction are off Leamington Road (image by James Smith)

Councillors decided to ask for more information from Warwickshire County Council's highways department before making a decision.

"Can I propose, as all of us have expressed great concern about the spine road and the lack of access, that we have a representation from the county's highways department before we make a decision," said Cllr James Kennedy at the meeting.

However, the application will now go before the committee again on Tuesday 18 June, with a council report once again recommending the plans go ahead.

"Officers consider the proposed development would provide a high-quality residential environment in accordance with the Kenilworth Development Brief and the garden suburbs principles, including an appropriate mix of market and affordable housing and acceptable dwelling house and layout design solutions, including landscaping and substantial areas of public open space," a WDC report said.

"There would be no harm arising in terms of neighbour amenity, highway safety or ecology and as such it is considered the scheme therefore complies with the policies listed.

"The matters that were raised at the May planning committee have been satisfactorily addressed by the applicants to the satisfaction of Officers and accordingly, Officers recommend that the reserved matters be approved."

Kenilworth Town Council has objected to the application, with Cllr Peter Jones speaking against it last month, raising a number of concerns including the "major issue" of "more congestion".

The proposed 144 extra homes would be built at the north end of the development (image via planning application)

"Firstly we have concerns about the proximity of dwellings in the far eastern corner of the development to the A46 trunk road," he explained

"They will be affected by high noise levels and poor air quality, especially in weekday rush hours and summer Saturday peaks of traffic - impacting the health of their residents. 

"Secondly we are disappointed by the revised location of the community centre which was due to be built in this phase of development but is now postponed."

However, speaking on behalf of Persimmon at May's meeting, Nick Wilkins said: "Throughout the application we have listened to observations and comments as to how we might mitigate concerns from all parties and statutory consultees. 

"Many changes have been made throughout the application, in consultation with officers. 

"This next phase continues with the same high quality design ethos already established on our current phase off Leamington Road."

See the full application here.

A diagram showing where the spine road should eventually be built (image via planning application)


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