Talisman Fringe at the Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn, Abbey End, Kenilworth
UNTIL Thursday 2nd June

Join us at the Holiday Inn in Kenilworth for an hour of comedy and music.
You'll enjoy two lovely short comedies which sandwich Dan Barrie a young up and coming singer songwriter who is really starting to make his name.
The plays are the award winning ETERNITY by Elan David Garonzik which takes a light-hearted look at how things really happen when we arrive at the Pearly Gates. We meet two wonderful characters and the humorous dialogue really makes this a play audiences will enjoy.
The second play of the evening is THE SWEET SMELL OF LEMON by Simon Birkbeck. Mr McKinnon is taking Brendan, his new recruit through the all-important sales technique.
This comedy was one of the finalists in the 2014 Pint-sized Plays Script Slam. Music is being created by Dan Barrie a young upcoming local singer-songwriter who has been making waves in the local music scene.
Described as a 'gifted guitarist and talented storyteller,' Daniel brings together acoustic pop, folk rock and blues in songs that move the listener both physically and emotionally.
He invites the listener to join him on his journey of discovery, as his songs try to make sense of the world through the eyes of a young person.
You can find out more about Dan here: www.danielbarriemusic.com Tickets are £5 and can be booked online at www.talismantheatre.co.uk or on the night.
The Holiday Inn bar will be open and the event will be informal and a great social occasion.
Both plays by arrangement with Pint-sized Plays