Co-opted Governor
Closing Date: 4th April 2025

Co-opted Governor Vacancy
Are you keen to have an impact on the Education of children and young people? Why not consider becoming a school governor?
Kenilworth School, part of the Kenilworth Multi Academy Trust, have a vacancy for a co-opted governor. This vacancy is open to any member of the Community, and wider, who is interested in becoming a school governor and all levels of experience and skills will be considered.
However, we are particularly interested in hearing from those who have experience of the education sector, ideally in educational leadership or have previous governance experience.
In line with our commitment to promote equality and diversity in our local governing board we welcome applications from a diverse group of people to ensure that our board benefits from different levels of experiences.
Becoming a governor offers you the opportunity to make a real contribution to the life and work of our school. School governors play a key role in the leadership of the school and work together with staff to make sure that our school provides a challenging and supportive environment for its pupils.
We are looking for a governor who understands, and is willing to commit to, school improvement at a local level in the context of the vision and direction of a Trust. Being a governor can be very rewarding and will provide you with the opportunity to meet new people and gain new skills.
New governors will receive induction training and be welcomed into a supportive and inclusive environment. The Trust provide free access to a wide and varied online and face to face suite of training.
An enhanced DBS check is required for all volunteer roles – the cost of this is covered by the Trust.
To apply and for further details, please contact Mrs Kerrie Flippance, Governance Professional, at [email protected]
Closing date for completed applications 5pm Friday 4th April 2025