The Darker Side of Warwick...martyrs, murderers, crimes, ghosts and more!
Kenilworth Methodist Church, Kenilworth CV8 1LQ
16th May 2024 - 16th May 2024
UNTIL Thursday 16th May

A u3a event - The Darker Side of Warwick - Graham Sutherland, author of Warwick - Bloody British History sheds light on some of the less savoury aspects of the town's history. Hundreds of dark and scandalous events have happened in Warwick over the centuries, from the murder of Piers Gaveston, the king's lover to the incredible histories of the Earls of Warwick. The Gunpowder Plot started here and the castle's horses stolen when the plotters tried to escape.
Come and hear about martyrs, murderers and corrupt officials, crimes, ghosts, prize-fighters and eccentrics, you'll never see the town in the same way again!
Thursday 16th May 2024 - 2.30 pm - Join us for a tea/coffee and a chat from 1.45 pm
Members free - Visitors £1
u3a Kenilworth is part of a UK-wide network of 1000+ charities that provide the opportunity for those no longer in work to come together and enjoy developing a wide range of interests in a social context.
Open meetings usually comprise an approximately 45-minute presentation by an accomplished speaker.
Visitors are always welcome.