Remembering the Swinging 60s
Kenilworth Methodist Church, Kenilworth CV8 1LQ
Thursday 16th October

'The Swinging Sixties'…a defining decade with flourishing art, music and fashion. In 10 years much of Britain was transformed from the bleak 1950s into a time full of freedom, hope and promise with new cars, motorways, miniskirts, the Twist, Twiggy and Concorde plus scandals, a royal wedding, a moon walk and nearly a nuclear war! Join us, as Ray Sturdy takes back to a time when petrol was only five shillings a gallon!
Thursday 16th October - 2.30 pm
Join us for a tea/coffee and a chat from 1.45 pm
Kenilworth Methodist Church, Kenilworth CV8 1LQ
Members free - Visitors £1
u3a Kenilworth is part of a UK-wide network of 1000+ charities that provide the opportunity for those no longer in work to come together and enjoy developing a wide range of interests in a social context.
Open meetings usually comprise an approximately 45-minute presentation by an accomplished speaker.
Visitors are always welcome.