Complaints from residents halt overnight HS2 works at Berkswell Station

HS2 has cancelled its overnight works at Berkswell Railway Station after receiving complaints from residents
The high speed rail developers had announced that it would be closing the West Coast Mainline every Saturday night from February 27 to April 10.
However tomorrow's works have now been cancelled for the second weekend in a row.
A statement from HS2 said: "Earlier we informed you that following feedback from the community we had changed our working practices and were due to continue our pilling works near Berskswell Station this weekend Saturday 2 April into Sunday 3 April.
"After further careful consideration we have decided to suspend the works this weekend whilst we work with our contractors to minimise inconvenience to the public."
The line was set to be closed between 10pm on Saturday April 2 and 8am on Sunday.
HS2 said the closures were needed: "To install the remaining steel pile foundations for the new overhead power line poles before the existing equipment can be dismantled and the new power line installed."
The workforce access the railway through the back of the station car park and the Truggist Lane compound.
Today's cancellation is the second blow for the developers in Balsall Common this week after Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council unanimously refused to grant permission for hundreds of lorries to pass through the village ever day.
(Header image by Nigel Thompson via